Please be patient....
I started back to school this fall and I'm slowly getting back into the swing of things...
The ADD in me is surely taking over because I find my procrastination becoming wayyyyy more apparent when it comes to cracking a book...
I must say, I'm not AS excited about going back to school this time because I have to start at the bottom...
I paid a serious amount of money the first time I returned to college because the kids were younger and I needed a quick education to get me out working and making money to support them on my own...
In going for the "quickie" education, the hard-earned credits that I received failed to transfer to other educational institutions that would get me started on the path to a Bachelor's degree in Biology Pre-med...
I have worked long enough at my job to earn the time for them to pay for this education and so I'm taking advantage of that benefit now...
So, I enrolled in the local community college to get my "basics" out of the way...I'm going to get an Associates in Biology so that those credits can transfer to the university for my Bachelors...
I don't feel that I need 2 Associates degrees, but...that's what's required...
so, I'll try to keep up on the posting while I'm going through school, but I can't promise much right now..
this semester I'm taking:
Biology and Biology Lab
American History II
Beginning Algebra...cause I screwed up on the Compass testing...
Intro to College...cause it's mandatory...
Spelling and expand my vocabulary for Honor's English...
13 credit hours this semester while working 3-12 hr shifts a week...
busy busy!!!
Anyways, things are going better this month...
I still miss my dad, but I guess that feeling will never cease..
The girls are in school and getting into the swing of things...
The dogs are doing well and so is the rabbit...
I did a lot of fishing this summer, and I did more swimming this summer then in the 3 summers prior...which makes the love of my life believe the pool was worth the money...
This week he's buying a new car...going for another Kia..
saving money on gas if nothing else...
anyways, I'm gonna quit procrastinating here and open a book...