Thursday, October 4, 2007

Reality Television or mindless TV

I must admit I have been wholeheartedly consumed in various reality tv shows and I have to say that I must be truly bored out of my mind!! I never used to like reality tv and now I find it sickeningly entertaining. I think I've gone backwards in time to my 9 year old, I can't even say that, I wasn't interested in that stuff back then either...What's going on with me? Why am I even slightly interested? I know that I've been so absorbed in my work for the last 3 years and maybe because I'm having to actually use my brain at this RT stuff I'm seeking out mindless entertainment and I just happen to find it in reality TV...I guess...

Before my mid-life change of career, I had mindless jobs that I could do with my eyes closed and I went home most evenings searching for something if my relationships weren't challenging enough.....

I just get sooooo very tired and I get home at 8 pm and all I want to do is sit in my chair and be mushy-brained until bedtime...

I had the last 3 days off work and I return for a 12-hr shift tomorrow and all I did today was fade in and out of sleep on the couch with the tv in the background...

I did get up and get TLOML an anniversary gift though...does that count for something?

Today marked our 5th anniversary of dating...I hunted all around for Season 1 of "Twin Peaks" but couldn't find it I bought Season 2 and a nice card for him with a written "IOU" for the first season....

TLOML and I have watched Anna Nicole, Flava Flave 1 & 2, I love New York, Rock of Love and other stuff and I would never have watched that before!!!!

Now he informs me that ILNY2 will start Sunday....right now, if I had energy, I would kick and scream and yell "NO WAY!" I'm not watching that!!!!

And today's latest news..."Danny Bonaduce".....I have only one thing to say about that....

"That guy's a FREAK!" why would anyone in his right mind jump on a psychotic freak and think that nothing would happen from it????

"I want to show how stupid I am, I want to go audition for reality television and I don't care what I have to do to get on a show!" these people really think they'll gain something from all of this???

I mean really, people seriously only get 15 minutes of fame anymore...the industry has become so large and infiltrated that that's all the time you're basically allowed!

cracks me up!!

and what really has my gut busting is the fact that I watch this crap....4 maybe 5 shows in a row in one night....

I need to get out and get a life, hobby, work-out, whatever...I'm sick of t.v. these days...

but, my lazy arse won't get up off this daggum chair!!!

help me please.............................


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