Wednesday, August 8, 2007

A happy post for once....

I know that when I write things down here in this "blog" it seems as though I'm sad all the time or mad all the time, and that simply isn't true...I'm happy 90% of the time, really I am. I laugh a lot, especially at myself and my daughter and the love of my life make me laugh a great deal too! But sometimes I have no place to express all the "not-so-happy" moments and it just seems as though this is a good place to express them so that I can quickly let the bad/sad things go...
I guess you can call this blog my "whipping post" cause that's what it seems like...
A wonderful friend of mine just turned me on to the "Davinci Method", she has ADD too.

I've ordered the book and I can't wait to read it...I've read books before about Adult ADD and I'm sooooooo ADD anyone can tell that! But one of the things she's told me that the book states is that ADD'ers give 100% in the things they do...and...they get frustrated because most normal people only give less than 20% in the things they also states that when an ADD'er isn't doing those things..then, they're completely worthless...!!! which is me again..
I feel as though sometimes I do 250% and because I do that, it takes me a lot longer to do something then any "normal" non-ADD'er...if that makes sense...

She states that the book tries to teach ADD'ers how to live without medication...I don't think for a moment in my chosen career path that I would be very successful without medication...but, I will read it with an open mind!

well, it's late and I'm beat...I'm outta here
goodnight no one!

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