Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Level of Excitement = HIGH!

I'm strictly running on pure adrenaline these days and I can tell because my HR is steadily at 100bpm and I haven't slept well in almost 2 weeks...I'm so tense but its a good kind of tense...I'm excited about this new job and I'm excited that I actually have something to contribute for once...

I came home early from the PRN job today hoping to get a nap in, (no dice there) and I'm still pretty tired though I managed to get 1 hr of sleep in..we have a new supervisor at the PRN job, he seems really nice and he had quite a bit to say and that's good in my opinion, its nice to see someone projecting activity and interest in the goings on in the department. I'm excited for him in that maybe he can turn the place around and make some much needed positive changes, kinda air out the place and give it a new "paint job"....

I'm lacking creativity though this week, maybe its all the natural adrenaline mixed with the Adderall XR, who knows...but I'm not writing near as much and I'm not getting the inspirations anymore, but it will come soon I'm sure...

My YaYa will be 92 years old next week and her celebrations begin this weekend, the only day I have off officially and I wouldn't want to spend it any other way...
So happy birthday YaYa, I'm so proud of you and I love you very much!

I haven't listened to a word of my Greek tapes and my dog has somehow lost her frisbee so she's a bit blue..but we'll find time to find the frisbee this week as well as get in some more language lessons

Everything else is going on alright...My older brother though suffered a bit this week, he is an exceptionally smart fellow and he has done some wonderful things in his life but he was wanting to take some courses at his local community college...the very one that he has been teaching summer courses at for years, anyways he applied to take these courses but found out that he didn't graduate from high school???? go figure...23 years after his diploma was handed to him they tell him he didn't graduate..?? My mother found his diploma and hopefully he'll be able to straighten this out...It just bewilders me that they issue him a diploma, based of course on credits needed to "graduate" and then 23 years later state that he didn't have enough credits...lucky for him he married an attorney...maybe he has a bit of power I hope...they should have told him that before he entered 12th grade..I would think..but...who am I?

Anyways, since I didn't "graduate" technically from school, I was forced out of high school because I was 16 and a single mother making high marks in school, my then assistant principle didn't like that about me, he basically told me I needed to go home and be a better mother to my child...of course he told a couple other people that as well...I got my GED 2 years after my intended graduation date and I earned an Associates degree for Respiratory later in life...(the first one in my family to obtain an actual college degree) My younger brother though is basically your average "genius" photographic memory never picking up a book in school and acing all his classes makes me sick kinda guy...this is funny, he graduated from high school, attended college but didn't get a degree up til about 2 years ago...he entered college and is now about to complete his bachelor's not only did he take the lead, he far surpassed me! but we find out that older brother didn't "technically" graduate, so younger brother is on the phone laughing at older brother saying that he, being the youngest of all 3 of us, is the first one to graduate! just ribbing on older brother who at this point is just steaming over this diploma thing..I found out about that and I was kinda laughing but kinda calling little bro a "sh*thead"

I called older brother in attempts to help him figure out what to do, we hang up, then I call younger brother and tell him, "SHAME ON YOU! HOW DARE YOU BE LIKE THAT, HE'S YOUR BROTHER, YOU SHOULD LOVE HIM, HELP HIM IN HIS TIME OF NEED, BE SYMPATHETIC TO HIS SITUATION!" meanwhile...he's laughing hysterically in my ear...I called him an "f'n brat" ....he's still laughing telling know, its funny that we now have all graduated in backwards order if older brother has to re-take his 9th & 10th grade year at 40 years old...which in turn made me laugh because my 2nd daughter will graduate this coming May..she's in her senior now younger brother is really "bustin a gut" laughing..."Hey older brother, your niece graduated before you!"....

Poor guy! I really feel for him and hopefully since mom found his "diploma" maybe he can get this straightened would have had to have been some "clerical error"...

then older brother tells me his intentions are to take some "math" courses...I said, older brother, I thought you knew that 2 + 2 = 4..."smart a**" he said..

Older brother really is a "genius" artist, he's had 3 television shows on cable access, produced a movie that he undersold that eventually made quite a turn out at the box office...(depressing) done some ingenius commercials for his home town, got the mayor of his home town all flustered with his "happy" ending to his first tv show...he's done quite a bit in his life, I'm so proud of him, so as you know, this whole "diploma" thing came as quite a shock!

part of it is still funny..."You mean I've looked up to a "high school dropout" all these years..hehe...jk older brother...

but I told older brother that for years I was the "black sheep" and that everyone laughed at me all those one's laughing now though...except of course younger brother...he's having quite a bit of fun with this one...

good night

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