Today, I sat in my recliner surfing the net, playing online with the tv in the background...the phone was j.j....he's a jeep owner too...his jeep looks very similar to mine...some modifications on his that make it look rather dashing...
while his jeep is more masculine than my "girlified" smilin jeep, they are the same year, same midnight blue...etc...we didn't work at the same place, but we parked our jeeps in the same parking lot and after I left that "parking lot" for another, he continues to park there...his lone little jeep that can no longer admire the smilies on my jeep's rear end... :) must be pretty sad now that he's all alone out there...
anyway...I was telling him that the front windshield folds forward and I was asking him if he knew how to put it down...he didn't know, but he consulted another cool jeep owner and that owner says that once you fold the window forward, when you put it back in place it will leak...that came as quite a let down for me...cause I was really excited to learn how to fold it forward...that bites!!!
I'm really into my lil smilin jeep, its totally cool! Just one day, I would love to drive her without her doors and completely topless...(the jeep topless, not me)...
tho the thought does, I wouldn't do that...
I can't wait until the lease is up though so I can go and buy one outright so I can play....
I'm so excited though, don't you love it when you talk to someone who's totally as excited about something as you are? Its so great!! I feel so energetic about jeeeeepin....I'm so ready...
Brought back some wonderful memories about the Canadian River, spinning the wheels in the sand and no seatbelts in the old rusty orange jeep and going full speed down an incredibly steeeeeeep hill, bouncing all over in the front seat...all the while being just a tad bit poluted!! I couldn't wait to get down to the bottom of the hill so we could go up and do it a rush...that's what turned me on to jeeps, what a fun time being with such a rowdy croud....thanks for some great fun L.L.....wherever you are!! The young cowboy punks of yesteryear were so exciting and fearless...
Shame on me...I shouldn't have went there the first I'm going back...bad kT...bad!!!
boys are stinky! stay away from boys!!
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