Tuesday, January 8, 2008

The Close of the First week of 2008!!

To the dilemma of my "doctor's a jerk about my ADD" saga .....

It gets even better!! I fired my last physician and went to see a new physician to get my ADD medication...now, mind you, I've been on this medicine for over a year now...

Anyways, New Doc, says, "How long have you been taking this medicine?" I stated, "Over a year, we started out with one med, it worked fine on my memory and focus, but it was doing dastardly things with my other body parts, so my physician at that time changed me to this medicine and its been working well ever since"

New Doc: How do you know you have ADD? Have you ever officially been diagnosed with ADD?

Me: Well, not officially, I simply explained to my physician at that time that I was having problems with memory and it was so severe I was actually seeking a brain scan to see if I was possibly "Alzheimer's", I have NO short term memory

New Doc: But that can be attributed to lots of things....

Me: Well, prior to seeing the physician who prescribed me the ADD meds, I was seeing a physician who kept INSISTING that I was depressed and prescribed me different meds for depression...this wasn't working...I'm the least depressed person I know, but if I don't get my memory back....I'm going to get PISSED OFF!!!

New Doc: Well, here's what I'm going to do for you, I'm going to give you a script for 30 days worth of your ADD meds and in these next 30 days, I want you to be tested for ADD, I know this doctor who will see you and do the testing with you to see if "you're really ADD"...I feel that this diagnosis is being 'abused' and some people who are diagnosed with ADD don't often have ADD....I won't prescribe you any more of this medication until I see that you are diagnosed with ADD!

Me: Well Doc, If I'm not ADD, why is this medication doing what I need it to do?

New Doc: Well, the drug you're taking is an amphetamine (like I don't know this) and it is often abused...by people who don't have ADD...

and he hands me the script and walks out the door....

now...if you look at my past history of even getting these scripts filled, you'll see that I have them filled with total ADD....I'm supposed to go see the doc ever 30 days to get new scripts and I'm always late getting to the doc, I wake up too late on my days off to take my ADD meds because I won't take them after 10 am or I'll be up all night long...so, that being said, being the "true ADD'er" that I am...I'm not a "JUNKIE" and I wouldn't dare take more than I'm supposed to because they're expensive on my wonderful prescription plan...

They don't make me "speed my ass off" and I've, after over a year, only bumped myself up to 25mg...I'm not even at the top dose.....
My original doc and I decided to taper up slowly and only when I felt that the effects of current dosages were levelling off to the point where I felt they were not working.....

so....now, I have to go see a psychologist, BUT, I'm not seeing the one he wants to send me to, I'll go choose my own...that way I can get a true diagnosis and not one that is swayed to the direction of this new "idiot" doc.....

aren't I just a rebel??? LMAO...

You know, I really get ticked off when I know myself better than some doc who's only seen me for 5.5 minutes and thinks he knows me or "my type!"....

I've been getting allergy shots for years...long term steroid injections just so I can breathe through my nose, and the doc that I fired recently, refused to give me a referral to an allergy specialist for my allergies...she thought she could just give me scripts for meds I've already tried and they don't work...

Think about this....I go to the doc for over 15 years and it costs around $35 each time, I get my shot, I'm good for 3 months, and then I go back...
so, $35 x 4 shots per year = $140 per year...
Fired Doc wants me to come see her every 30 days to "try" new scripts....how much will that cost?? $0...I'm not going to do that....

she's insane...

if you find something that works for you...keep doing just that...why change???

The one thing you're taught in respiratory is "KEEP IT THE SAME!"....

that works for oxygen, peep, meds, assessments....etc..."keep it the fucking same"!!

only change things when you're seeing poor results...but if whatever you're doing works for you....


if we're taught that, how come these docs aren't being taught that???

after all, what is it they say about insanity??? when you keep doing the same thing expecting different results???

obviously, I'm not insane!!
I want to keep doing the same things and getting the same results!!


Other than that, my year is starting off great...the rabbit "Spazzzy" is alive and well, last month he was having problems with his teeth, he wasn't eating and he wasn't going potty and TLOML dug a whole in the back yard because we were expecting we would have to put him down...another RT referred me to a Fabulous Vet here in my area and I took Spazzzy there for one last hope that his little life could be saved...

That vet "took charge" and took Spazzzy in, kept him over night, pumped him full of fluids, ground down his teeth and I brought him home the next day with antibiotics and directions on how to mix his pellets with applesauce or pineapple sauce so that he could eat it without chewing so much...
He'd done so well, I have to take him back this week for a follow up and I'm so thankful that this vet saved his life...I've had Spazzzy for almost 2 years and he's a great pet....

I love my dogs...they're my life...they're spoiled rotten and one of them is trained very well...the other one's just a puppy at heart and could do no wrong...

The love of my life, when we got together, hated dogs..he had a bad taste in his mouth for them because his ex-wife used to show dogs and he was "the hired hand" to hear him tell is...
he put up a good fight, but ....I won...and we owned a dog...he was a great dog, he was smart and fun and I took care of him so that TLOML wouldn't have to...then he was able to see how fun dogs could be...then, to his objection...I got another dog...

Of course, he fell in love with her...and then, a couple years later...we had 7 puppies...oh boy, what fun that was....he had a ball, and we have tons of video of those puppies that "he hated"...lol....then, the day came when we had to take Pete to the pound..he bit the neighbor kid...just nipped him, but still...we couldn't have a dog that was showing aggression..it broke our hearts...he..and I cried for a long time over the loss of that dog.....then, we picked up Spanky...he's a mix between a St. Bernard and Beagle...he's a lot of fun...doesn't bark...at all...

Big Giganic Puppy!!!

Loves everybody, great porch dog!!

We have a lot of different personalities in this house and we cherish them all....

and to add to our petting zoo....TLOML bought his daughter an ant farm for Christmas...so now, we have 2 dogs, 1 rabbit and 25 ants...


What a great life!!

Hope your year is going well....

Now, let's get on with the second week of 2008

1 comment:

  1. If one med is working for you, what does it matter if you are clinically ADD or not. If it works, take it. So what's he going to do if you are not ADD?

